Coca-Cola workers in Haiti, Indonesia, Ireland, and the USA still need your support
Coca-Cola continues to violate the fundamental rights of workers in Haiti, Indonesia, Ireland and the USA.
In Haiti its bottler La Brasserie de la Couronne continues to systematically deny workers their right to form and be represented by a union, SYTBRACOUR (
read more here).
In Indonesia Coca-Cola bottler Amatil pursues its long running attack on the rights of independent, democratic trade unions (
for more read here).
In Ireland, The Coca-Cola Company closed two of its directly owned concentrate plants, both of which were strongly unionized, and shifted production to the remaining plant in Ballina, where it refuses to engage in collective bargaining with the IUF-affiliated SIPTU.
In the USA the Company's bottler spent more than 330,000.00 US dollars hiring a union-busting consultant firm to persuade workers at its Greenfield bottling plant to not join the RWDSU/UFCW.
Please show your support for these workers and the fight for rights in the Coca-Cola system. USE THE FORM BELOW TO SEND A MESSAGE to The Coca-Cola Company's CEO and Chairman James Quincey, expressing your outrage over these ongoing human rights violations and demanding the Company act to remedy them. Your name will also be added to a petition that will be delivered to The Coca-Cola Company.