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Date updated : 08-Sep-2016

Status: closed

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PepsiCo responds to formation of new union in Pakistan by attacking rights

PepsiCo management at the company's Frito-Lay plant in Lahore, Pakistan has responded to the formation and official registration of a trade union with 650 members by harassing and transferring union officers and seeking to violate the union's collective bargaining rights by creating a bogus union.

Since the PepsiCo Workers' Union was registered and officially granted collective bargaining rights, union officers have been targeted for disciplinary procedures on false charges and the union president has been transferred out of the plant to prevent contact with members. The company has registered a fake national union claiming to represent workers at two different sites in order to undercut the Lahore workers' demand for a negotiated collective agreement. Union members are being denied overtime and pressured to leave the union.

Workers initially formed a union in response to the massive abuse of precarious employment through labour contractors, which denies permanent employment to workers who have worked for years at the plant.

A large number of workers, including women workers, have been holding protest actions at the factory gate, demanding the company cease its attack on rights and negotiate in good faith. You can support their struggle - USE THE FORM BELOW TO SEND NOW A MESSAGE TO PEPSICO, telling the company to respect trade union rights at the Lahore plant and its ongoing complicity in violations of the rights of workers who were unfairly dismissed and then denied reemployment for defending their rights at a warehouse in West Bengal India contracted exclusively to PepsiCo.